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What lessons would you like to see added?

Peter Wallis

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Some song walktroughs would be great (for example The Stage…the solos, the theory behind and kinda that stuff), or the idea of some A7X-Solos in the style of Syn’s Etudes is very cool.
Also some gypsy jazz or 8 finger tapping would be really awesome !

Jake Young

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
More on theory in general! The why’s and how’s! Like how you know which notes to add to make arpeggios or how you know which notes to take away to make a pentatonic scale..just theory! A whammy bar tricks lesson from Syn would be awesome! And I’m with everyone else..you two teaching some Gypsy jazz stuff!
Synner Endless Summer Collection


New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Would really like to see some Harmonising a melody with another guitar lesson, something that you both guys could do together! it’d be really nice to see a lesson where you both explain the same matter, hope to see it soon!

Elijah Wormsley

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Jazz-based lessons would be interesting. Tone tutorials as well. Lessons on how to put together and play harmonizing riffs, too, but I think what would interest me the most would be what many others have mentioned: lessons on how to play different A7X riffs or solos.
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Julian Barton

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
I think there should also be a lesson on 12 bar blues! I didn’t see one and that is one of my favorite tools as a guitarist when I play at a party to mess around with. It also will help you if you are a street musician or any type of musician (so you can jam with others).
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Mathieu Marouby

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
I would love a lesson about Syn’s tapping lick in the electric solo of his masterclass at guitar center.
If you see wich one I’m talking about, when he plays whith the left hand reversed over the neck.
It just sounds amazing ! And it’s pretty impressive !

Tengu Ortega

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Me gustaría ver como construir algunos riffs o como hace syn, por ejemplo me gusta demasiado el riff de im not ready to die, ese tipo de sweep pero en las cuerdas graves suena genial, y seria bueno que pudieran poner algún tipo de traductor a los videos, algunas personas de habla hispana batallamos algo con el ingles 😥😢😢