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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard

Lesson description

In this lesson we go over the Aeolian mode – its scale construction and related chords.

Syn's tips

Aces Papa Gates!

Another really great solo to steal some amazing licks from;) Take your time really getting this stuff down and then making the licks and material your own! I can’t stress enough the importance of infusing your style and creativity into the material. It’s truly what separates the good from the great and I’m not talking about playing fast. There’s so many great players like the late great B.B. King who don’t play fast at all but have the intangible gift of brilliant style. Spend time finding yours because it doesn’t come naturally to everybody!

I think it’s a good time to start applying some of the licks you’ve learned from Papa Gates’ solos to other modes. For example, once you have some of these aeolian licks down, take a trip down memory lane and play them to the Dorian, or Phrygian backing tracks. PG did a great job picking notes well suited for the type of mode he was playing to so they won’t all work, but if you spend some serious time on this, you’ll find some really cool additional application for a lot of these licks

Please share with us your tips and tricks for this material in the "Discussion Thread" section below. You can also upload videos there as well so please help and support each other!

I’m always looking for stand out students and teachers to recruit for my personal team of influencers to help oversee the community so be creative and be helpful, that’s what this place is all about!
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