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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard

Original Songs/Riffs

Show us your goods! Band, solo, duo, anything!


Hey! Here's a nice acoustic song I made today, tell me what you think about it!

Saysay - Cryborg

Hey! Here's a song I made, hope you'll enjoy it!
Totally fanmade of A7x song style, please check this out!
I'm super grateful for those who have taken the time to check out my band. Your comments are super encouraging to hear and push me to keep going. The Synner community is sick af, there are so many nice people on this platform. Here is the closer to our album, IMO some of my best work. Hopefully we can get some vocals on these soon and find other bandmates to help us perform these live and achieve our dreams.
What's up everyone I'm back after a little break with something I've never done before! After the 'Masterpiece' open verse challenge on tiktok I decided to t...


I made this with the Electric Drums and my Keyboard. I was practicing a beat and decided to record it. There was suppose to be a crash at the end but I missed the timing. I think it's like 8 bars. The Keyboard, I was randomly pushing keys hoping for something to stick or catch my ear, didn't go well and ended up editing the Drum and Keyboard recordings. Maybe you don't hear it but there wasn't any confidence in my keyboard, like I was pressing 2 keys instead of 1 by accident. I should have did some warm up first to get the feel. Halfway through I thought I should save it real quick and somehow deleted section C. Panicked for a moment but was able to recreated it some and expand. Was thinking about adding a Sub Bass layer. Took roughly 5 hours, learned and got better at some stuff. Thanks.

Rob A Mann

was going to call it something else for views jammed the drums first with my other video in the background then jammed the guitar riff and the melody guitar last. started on it when i got home and all one take. i didn't know what to do at first with the lead guitar also didn't use the metronome. i'm going to try and straighten things out some another time
This video is of me practicing my new rift that came to be the other day misplacing a chord from another one and mixing them together with more chords. How could I make it better? Is this a pleasant tune? Not sure on the names of some of the chords, but some root notes are F,G,C and A. Was feeling uneasy and my mind wandering some. Thinking about fingerings, my fret hand wrist placement, stance and having some pain. Almost forgot, anchoring a note in the chord has been helping me find a near chord/tone when trying to work things out.


Listen to Dope by Cinder Gates #np on #SoundCloud


Instrumental track - Labour day 2022 - solo Artist


Instrumental track - Labour day 2022 - solo Artist
Stuck Below

Stuck Below

This is a song that my band has been working on for a bit now. It's almost done but still has some minor polishing to do to the mix. Just throwing it out here before we release it to see what people think of it. Give it a listen let me know what you think.

Harmonic Minor Riff

  • Al7eX Al7eX
  • Aug 26, 2022
You know that feeling when you create a really cool riff then you find out 5 seconds later that it sounds very similar to someone else’s riff. Well that happened to me with the Sweep Picking IV Syn’s etude.
When You Wake

When You Wake

Absolution · Song · 2021


Absolution · Song · 2021
Falling to Pieces

Falling to Pieces

Absolution · Song · 2022
Let me know what you think of our latest demo release. It's out there, that for sure.
Practiced some bass today, I think I got a verse and chorus in here that could be worked out better. The drums isn't well synced, it's from the other day. I suppose that if I record proper timed bars in the right bpm, I could puzzle them together eventually


I messed up the compression stuff and the visual graph

drums 7 26 2022

Some of my drum practice today, before I took a break it was a bit better cause was listening to the thing I made the other day and jamming with it. My headphone mic doesn't work well so had to turn it off. I have been working on some fills and getting the timing right on them. Didn't have a plan on what to record and share but wanted to have an update video. Recently started trying to work out double kicks with fills, the timing


Was working on this today and didn't know where to go with it for now. Hearing it back does give me some ideas. I started out with the thought of " Okay! First just record a simple chord progression then play drums under it " cause normally I've been trying to put the beat first then play a riff. I thought I'll progress/re-record each one till I feel okay with it this time. With that approach. Got only this far cause almost always end up just practicing instead
Slow riffs

Slow riffs

Some “Kin” era Whitechapel slow riffs in 7 string drop G

IMG 2167 Trim

thought i had already stopped recording


ITS maybe LOUD found auto tune