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This one literally took me 90 attempts to record, I still can't feel my fingers.


Got to a new point, was trying to do Triplets while keeping a Hi-Hat tap going and eventually tried to add in Kicks. It went okay. Having trouble with hitting the open Hi-Hat cause it makes a sound when it closes too. I'm guessing to delay, double time or hit something else for that moment. It's the last 5 minutes of practice today and left the process. I was trying to go fast. The rest wasn't too different from what I normally practice.
Malaguena salerosa Acoustic
This is my own fusion by embellishing things here & there to the A7x Syn Gates Version, he plays it octaves higher but i was limited by frets so i had to put it in a nutshell. Tell me what Gates fraternity thinks about it. Your feedback about appreciation or constructive criticism will be much for me to be concerned & improvise. Thankyou
Brilliant song !!

Negw video

had this when i started recording, came out of nowhere cause was planning to do the blues riff. it reminds me of some other songs i've heard before but can't place them totally. it's like motif maybe
Still have to comit the chords to memory im having to read them while playing at the moment, but doesnt feel too bad for a first try. The mistakes just let you know its actually me playing right?
My cover of The Dream Is Over by Van Halen.
My attempt to play all these songs through without stopping, as if it were live.

She's The Woman

My cover of She's The Woman by Van Halen.

may 9 2022

recorded only this from drumming today, it's some of what am working on. also have a chord change thing been working out, going to try and record a rough draft later. there was nothing playing in my headphones, using it for added protection with ear plugs and hood.
Syn has been an influence for me since day one of picking up a guitar. For my band’s recent release I took the opportunity to channel in some City of Evil era shredding 🤘🏼 Enjoy! Solo starts at 1:14

Like a stone solo

Learning the full song, but I love the use of the whammy in the solo
Got back from deployment so it was hard getting back into it but this is my progress leaning M.I.A so far! Many mistakes but practicing every day

Turning Away

Currently obsessed with this song so naturally I had to learn it

Heavy Practice

Great 4 chord song with quick transitions and strum patterns
If you've any suggestions of songs I should cover next let me know!
Hello gaes. This is my new practice. I'm learning to explore songs with no guitar riff in C major or A minor. I do really like this beautiful song by the Rev, so I hope I'm not ruining this beautiful song. Mom helped me with some of the harmony lines. This is my first attempt to record, mixing, and mastering with Studio One. Still learning 😂. Hope you like it.
#music #avengedsevenfold #a7x #guitar #synystergates #syn #schecter #schectersynystercustom #metal #rockstar #rock #cover