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Search results

  1. Noah Berends

    Important PSA for All Tube Amp Lovers

    Hey everyone! As a lover of all things vacuum tube myself, I know a lot of people here will really benefit from this information as well, and since I deal with this daily as my job I thought it important to give everyone here a heads-up that will be extremely important. We all collectively...
  2. Noah Berends

    On Single-Pickup Guitars

    What's up everyone! It's definitely been a while since I've posted, but I thought I would share something interesting I've been thinking about lately, and maybe get peoples' opinions as well. Recently, I picked up a guitar with a single bridge pickup, and it's been an interesting experience in...
  3. Noah Berends

    Custom Necks

    Dang, I didn’t realize how busy I was and how much time I had spent away. Looking forward to spending more time learning this next semester. ANYWAYS. I’m not having a lot of luck with Google so I thought I would reach out here. Does anybody know of a company that will build guitar necks...
  4. Noah Berends

    7 String Guitars and Theory

    Hey all, I’ve been curious to pick some brains on this for a while now. A couple months ago, I bought my first 7 string guitar. I was unsure whether or not I would like it, but I got an amazing deal and so I thought “what’s to lose?”. So I bought it, and I’ve absolutely loved it. I would almost...
  5. Noah Berends

    A7X announcement in Kerrang: New EP!

    https://mobile.twitter.com/IcarusSix/status/1039855745729286144/photo/1 Found this on r/avengedsevenfold today!
  6. Noah Berends

    Welcome Back!

    Long time no see! Glad to see everything up and running again and excited to continue learning. Damn hackers!
  7. Noah Berends

    Micing Acoustic Guitars

    Hey fellow Synners, I got a question more directed towards the fellow sound engineer-minded among us but I’d love everyone’s thoughts. When you’re micing an acoustic guitar, what’s your go-to setup? It’s definitely a hot topic as to what pickup pattern/mic model/direction/distance is best for...
  8. Noah Berends

    ADHD & Music/Practice

    Hey fellow students, I have a question for y’all. So basically, I have ADHD-C, which is basically most of the symptoms of ADHD. I’m forgetful, disorganized, I can’t pay attention easily, I fidget, and I have trouble focusing on any one thing for a period of time, among other things.. Like right...
  9. Noah Berends

    When You Are Buying a Guitar, What Do You Look For?

    Hey fellow students, I have a question that’s becoming somewhat relevant for me and I thought it’d be cool to get a more public opinion. When y’all are out buying a new guitar or looking for a new guitar, what do you look for mostly in the guitar you pull off the shelf? Is it the feel, the tone...
  10. Noah Berends

    Bridge Pickup

    Hey fellas, so I have a Schecter that came with a Seymour Duncan Full Shred, and it’s great and all, but it’s very focused on the midrange and thus doesn’t sound very good in clean tones or low drive tones. As much as I love playing metal, I’d like to have something with a more diverse set of...
  11. Noah Berends

    Finger Separation Exercise

    Hey all, so I was bored in class (what’s new?) and I started comparing my left hand to my right hand and seeing how far I can separate my fingers. During this fidgeting, I figured out that on my left hand (fretting hand, as I’m right handed), my middle finger and ring finger can only get about...
  12. Noah Berends

    Pedalboard Love

    I’ve seen a lot of posts about guitars and showing off guitars, but not a lot about the next most important piece of tone in everyones’ collection: your pedalboard! Show off your pedalboard here, and tell us all about it and why you love it! I’ll start us off with my humble little board: My...
  13. Noah Berends

    Starting a Band (Question)

    Hey fellas, I’ve always wanted to start a band or be in a band, and I’ve gotten the opportunity to work with two cover band startups in high school with some close friends, but I was wondering: If I wanna start a legit band, what the hell is the first step?? Is there some kind of networking that...
  14. Noah Berends

    Relative Pitch

    Hey fellas, I have a bit more of a theory-loaded question here. Recently I’d learned about the topic of Relative Pitch, which I don’t know a lot about. So I was wondering if some of the folks who are more familiar with the concept could give me some advice or gear me towards methods or...
  15. Noah Berends

    Favorite Distortion Pedal(s)?

    Hey fellas, I’m having some tone issues. For years now I’ve used two overdrives stacked in order to make a distortion tone, and by all means it’s pretty good, but sometimes it’s just not all there. So I’m thinking maybe I’ll invest in a good distortion pedal. I’ve tried a few now, but I’d like...