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Selling my USA built Hellwin top!

Im selling my USA Schecter Hellwin 100 head! DM me on facebook for more information and quicker answers!
It’s in mint condition, stored in a hardcase and played very very rarely.
Only malfunction is one of the lights in the footcontroller blinks instead of constantly glowing. (Recieved it this way after importing it and Schecter tried to fix it but the problem remained when i got it back) The controller works fault free otherwise!
Im located in Sweden but can ship worldwide, thank you!
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"Raiding" Synner Spotify profiles

Hey Synners.

@Possessed Sinner gave me an idea for this thread. Dunno if this is allowed, but it might...sorta help artists I guess :LOL:.

Let's use this thread to drop our Spotify profiles so we can follow and listen to our music, should people desire this.

Here's mine:

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Tales of a Musician - The Playlisting Conundrum

Hello everyone.

A while back I created a post detailing how things have changed after about a year of me being a full-time musician. At least I think I did because for the life of me I couldn't find it.

But anyway, let's consider this as part 2 (of an undefined number) of that discussion. And this time around, I'm going to talk a bit about my experiences getting myself playlisted on Spotify.

Now in an ideal scenario, you release a song, it somehow gets picked up by Release Radar on Spotify and you're on your way to making approximately $4 per 1000 streams in no time, which of course will translate into about a million listeners a month forever and you're set.

Like I said, ideal scenario...

But since reality is often disappointing, you'll most likely end up having to find other ways of getting yourself playlisted. Now if you're going to talk to people in the music industry, they'll probably end up recommending SubmitHub as a platform. If you know such a person, consider that person a high-tier demon and send The Doom Slayer (or Doomguy if you will) after said person. And of course, you may want to stay away from that money drain, I'd honestly suggest getting a large menu at McDonald's instead of spending your money on SubmitHub.

So we've established that SubmitHub is a useless platform. Honestly, if you're a musician, just write that down somewhere so you don't forget.

What does one do now? Well, there are other free ways to do it. You could curate a playlist yourself, adding some of your songs and songs by bands/artists you sorta sound similar to, and then find ways to promote it so people will listen to it, and as a result, your songs. Or you could use free platforms like Daily Playlists, though the results may not be as good as you might hope. At least it's free though...

Honestly, the best solution I found was searching for paid options, but be very aware that the company you're paying is legit and doesn't use bots. Spotify doesn't like that and those streams are, in fact, meaningless.

So yeah, been having some fun lately. I guess the point of this post though can be summed up in one song title: "I'm Going Slightly Mad" :LOL:. The least I hope is that you get some enjoyment out of it xD.

hello there

Hello everybody!! Im ryuk, a guitarist kinda obvious but yeah, i've started playing guitar 12 years ago but i wasn't really that motivated until 7 years ago, i am 16 years old soon 17, ive been learning by my own until recently because i didnt know my keys nor scales i was just playing by ear or looking at tabs the whole time... yeah that was until recently i learned about the guitar lessons here, since Synyster Gates was the reason why i got motivated at playing guitar, I've decided to start learning here and so far it really helped me alot, im in a band im the lead guitarist and singer im mostly the one who compose, and by ear its really hard to share with my bandmates those riffs and ideas i have, as i had no clue what so ever about the notes i was playing and in what key i was, although im still learning and there's still alot more to learn, just a few lessons really helped me understand more guitar in general, So thank you Synyster and Mr Gates. Sr for helping me get better and learn the scales and keys as i really needed to learn those, but there is still alot of things for me to learn here so i should get back to it :cool:
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New to the community

Hey everyone! I've been playing guitar for almost 7 years now, and I am 15 years old. I'm not entirely new here, as I have been learning for a month now, but I thought to finally post something on here. The reason I joined was because my biggest influence was Synyster Gates, but one problem. I had no clue how to play like him. Until I joined this community. Before I joined I had been stuck in a massive plateau not making much progress and being stuck, but that all changed when I joined. I learned more stuff in a week, such as harmonic minor with the modes, melodic minor, the blues scale, the major and minor modes, and more, but not only did I learn to play a style like syn and get better at his style, but it made me a better guitar player in general and more rounded. A couple of months ago I joined my high school jazz band not expecting much, but because the knowledge I learned here made it easier to understand how jazz works and how I can incorporate blues with my playing in the jazz band and at home. So thank you Synyster and Mr Gates. Sr for helping me become a way greater and better guitar player than I had ever imagined becoming.

BIG NEWS - "Nobody" Guitar

Just talked with Syn, and the headless "Nobody" guitar WILL be getting a limited production run with Schecter! Availability and pricing (the "wen?" and "how much?") are TBD, but this IS happening. All models will have the "Synarchy" logo at the 12th fret and no other top markers - super clean. It will come in three models:
100 Gold 7 string headless
100 Large Silver Flake 6-string headless
20 "Acid Rain" 6 string with headstock

The Acid Rain finish will be distressed or "relic'd" with these final touches personally done by Syn.

wassup everybody

I'm Bishop, I guess I'd be considered an intermediate guitarist (3 years). Synyster really inspires me to push myself further on guitar and learn new things. I'm trying to teach myself some music theory even though it's a little annoying. originally, I didn't know that there was lessons on this site so I've been checking them out (y)


My name is Trident, I joined Synner a couple months ago but am just now introducing myself. I’ve been playing guitar since my freshman year of high school and im now 20 years old. I didn’t really take it seriously until my Jr year of high school though. I don’t know much theory or anything but I can play some songs and noodle around. As most of us are here for, im here to improve my guitar playing!

  • Question
Not guitar related, this question is wackerman/studio question that is probably a long shot but still interesting nonetheless.

Just let me start off by saying how excited i am to get back into teaching and learning more guitar. I love this website you guys. fucking nailed it.
what got me back to it was honestly i started learning and teaching drums. A7x being my absolute favorite band of all time so obviously those were the first songs i wanted to learn and

Holy F@#$^* SHit i thought syn's solo progressions were insane but i never noticed how complex the drums really are in a lot of Wackermans work. specifically on paradigm and the entire stage albumn really.

BUt anyway learned them all on guitar so fuck it drums should be cake compared to syn. *the cake is a lie*

However...i did learn the song...... yet ive only been playing drums for 2 months now...using an invisible drum kit... yes im serious my drum kit is invisible

well its a beta app in virtual reality to be more specific...but no seriously invisible :oops:

well anyway i chart drums tracks for the vr app,, which is similar to guitarhero, except the kit is real, and its FUCKING invisible.
so anyway my question was if at all possible to whom it may concern i wanted to ask for permission to use one of the tracks for a tutorial on how to build charts and kits for the app. with hopes to try and get more and more people into charting their own drums instead of flooding my inbox with song request as i am 1 of 3 charters atm trying to revive and entire guitar hero and rockband community into REAL invisible drums.

it wont be played all the way through and maybe only 30 or 40 seconds of the audio will be heard. but anyway thought id try my luck.
I currently have what im almost 99.9% sure is the most accurate chart for the stages drum track that doesn't exist anywhere else except wackermans brain. and my chart folder.
i made it an obsession to get the drums perfectly accurate..

  • Question
Synyster Gates master class solo 8 finger tapping section help

Does anybody have any tabs or video tutorials on how to play the 8 finger tapping section from the synyster gates masterclass solo.(preferably second part since there’s already a tutorial for the first part on YouTube). It’d be a huge help for me to crack this solo cause there’s no proper tabs nor tutorials of this anywhere on the internet. Login to view embedded media


Hi everyone! I'm Ali. I teach music, including beginning guitar, although it's not my main instrument and the course is almost exclusively acoustic and classical. I've played at the beginner and intermediate level for about 20 years, and I'm embarrassed to admit that electric guitar (especially lead) intimidates me to no end. So I'm here to get over that fear in an awesome community.

HELLWIN, Veteran Got Shot, Anyone got one I can try before I die?

Hey everyone!

I'm a veteran who just got shot defending our rights and way of life, life is short, I've been looking everywhere for a Hellwin Amp for years, I have the cabinets. I would love to play on one before I die... I can fly to you even but I'd feel some serious FOMO if I died before I got to play one. Hell I can pay you even... I've got not much to live for as my dreams been crushed but this would mean the world to me! Please inbox or let me know, all love!

Guitar 7 string now or later on?

I've been playing guitar since last week, and the strat I have is pretty ok and all but my goal is to be one of those cool prog guys playing really weird and heavy shit on an alien looking extended range guitar. At what stage would it make most sense to actually start playing on a 7 string?

I just learned the second position minor pentatonic shape and I realized I might end up having to re-learn a lot of stuff like that. Conversely if I get it now I won't have the slightest idea what to do with all the extra string.

Is there a best way to get to where I want to be?


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