• Join the A7X Discord!

    We're updating the community and moving all social content from the community to the Discord. All lessons related conversations will still take place here though! Join the Discord below and view the full announcement for more details


  • Article

Hey everyone!

It’s been a while since we last made an update on things and there are good reasons for it. In the past year, Syn and the team have been thinking about the evolution of Synner and today we are ready to announce the first phase of this new chapter.

The first change is that the forums will drastically be reduced and will be used for questions about the lessons content (lessons content only) for the moment.

We invite you all to join the Official Avenged Sevenfold Discord as all the community aspects of Synner will happen on there from now on.

The second change is about the lessons. You all know by now that we had a little incident last year with our lessons. We are still working hard to recover and re-sync them all and while we made a lot of progress, it will take time before it’s all back up to normal.

More importantly, the lessons will migrate to SynTv which is where the focus of our attention will be in the next phase. Their transfer will begin shortly, in the next couple days/week.

I know that this will come as bad news for some of you. But know that all those decisions were taken after much consideration following the vision that Syn has for Synner. This is the start of something new as we aim to have the most modern experience with the best technology for everyone. And while the form changes, Synner is here to stay!

If you have any question, we will be happy to answer them below.

Thank you everyone!

  • Question
Guitar Issue Building Speed

I am not new to guitar, but my learning was unorthodox.
I learned mostly by myself, as teachers tended to keep me "stuck".
Once I found a good teacher he sadly quit after a year.
I started learning via tabs mostly, and watching videos of "how to" on techniques.
However, after many years of playing, I hate to admit I'm not where I want to be with my playing.
Most metal solos and complicated rhythms (complex string skipping for example) I am unable to play.
I tried following many online guitar teachers (Bernth, Paul Davids etc) and tried practicing more "hardcore" style.
I however noticed even months of grinding different exercises 3-4 hours a day using a metronome, my speed didn't go anywhere after a week.
I tried different exercises, different styles, taking a break once in a while.
How do you get past the plateau ?
Any suggestion would be much appreciated.
Sorry for the long post.

Issues marking lessons complete

Hey everyone, I know several of you have mentioned issues with marking lessons complete. We've been looking into this issue further and have not been able to replicate it at all on our end so if you could let me know if you're still seeing it, send me any relevant screenshots, what lessons you're seeing it for, and what device you're using I'd really appreciate it!

how to fix singular string buzz syn standard

hello, so i’ve had my syn standard for a while and recently i’ve been getting a lot of buzz from my A string. i thought it might’ve been the saddle or something with the bridge and i’ve replaced it with a new saddle and screws and the buzz was still there. i’ve adjusted the action and still no luck. every other string works fine, it’s just the A string, it’s a buzz on the whole string, on every fret. i’ve pushed the tremolo down to test if an action change would fix it but the string would still buzz. i genuinely don’t know what i got to do. i can’t tell where the buzz stems from, but i have a feeling it’s either the top of the neck or somewhere at the bridge.

Pickup Height in Sinister Custom

Hello everyone!

I just got a second-handed ("mint") condition Synyster Custom (no Sustainiac). I'm loving it so far but I'm not too happy with the tone of the different pickups (and I'm not even sure that the single coil is working but that's a different issue).

Do you guys have any recommendations about pickup height? I've noticed that the sustain in the notes is really bad. In the sense that the noise just stops all of a sudden. I'm not a guitar expert but I've got another Schecter guitar (fixed bridge) and even though is a more affordable version I don't see that happening.

Any tips would really be appreciated!


Papa Gates' Schecter Hellwin Amp AMA

Hey everyone, I wanted to start this thread so that if anyone has any questions regarding the Schecter Hellwin amplifier, I'll do my best to answer them. I'm lucky enough to be in possesion of @Brian Haner Sr. 's very own Hellwin Stage head and cabinet that he gave to me before he moved to the East Coast. I still don't consider it mine, as one day he, Syn, or McKenna may need it since there are a scarce number of them. But please ask any questions and I'll do my best to answer them.

I also own a Schecter Hellraiser head that I will take questions for as well.

I created a separate thread for the Bogner amp shown in this picture, which was used on a few Avenged albums.


I (sorta) made a FREE Hellwin amp software

I used a free open source software called Neural Amp Modeler by Steve Atkinson (not to be confused with the company Neural DSP) to create "snapshots" or "profiles" or captures" of the Schecter Hellwin Amplifier using neural training to recreate the amplifier's sound. Not just any Hellwin amp, but Papa Gates' very own Hellwin. That's right, the artist behind hit's like "Fistfight at the Waffle House", "Ginger Bitch", and "Grandma Was A Racist". His mojo is now downloadable to YOUR computer!

What this software does is similar to the Kemper Profiling Amp, Neural DSP Quad Cortex, ToneX etc. by taking snapshots of amplifier settings and allowing you to take that with you and share it and add on to it. Only now you don't need an expensive piece of hardware, just your computer and an audio interface. However, making neural amp models isn't exactly user friendly.

Screen Shot 2023-04-15 at 3.48.34 PM.png

This software currently only allows you to capture the amp heads and not cabinets. So you will have to pair this with a cabinet Impulse Response (IR) file to use it. I will be providing one, but feel free to go find others and explore. Different IR's can drastically change your sound. The only IR's of a Hellwin cab available are from the Synner store but they only work with Fractal Axe FX and not with this. He has used Bogner UberKab 4x12's and Mesa Boogie 4x12's in the past, so IR's of those could get you a similar sound.

Neural Amp Modeler is a newer software and is still technically in it's Beta phase. There are known issues and the software is consistently updated. It can run as a stand alone software or as an AU/VST3 plugin in your DAW. There are certain computer requirements such as operating systems and certain hardware. Here's the GitHub Page where you can find the latest version, known issues, the code, hardware requirements, etc. At the current moment, this plugin can be very CPU intensive. There are ways for me to make snapshots that are lighter on CPU, but it will make them less accurate and I'm not interested in that.

I made 3 captures. One of each channel according to Syn's settings from the Hellwin manual.


Things needed - Computer that meets minimum requirements & Audio Interface

Installation steps:

Step 1
- Download Neural Amp Modeler
Mac Download
Windows Download

Step 2 - Install

Step 3 - Download my Hellwin amp models

Step 4 - Download this Impulse Response (IR) of a Mesa Boogie 2x12 cabinet with V30 speakers

Step 5 - Open Neural Amp Modeler
If using the standalone app, it may default to your computers built in speakers and microphone. I would mute your speakers before opening and then change the audio device to your audio interface. Otherwise there will be a loud feedback loop.

If using as a plugin in your DAW, I would recommend the same thing depending on what your DAW defaults your audio devices as.

Step 6 - Open one of the amp models using "Select model..." at the bottom

Step 7 - Open your Impulse Response using "Select IR..." at the bottom

Step 8 - Shred

There are EQ Controls and a noise gate included in this plugin that you can disable. These do not reflect the knobs of an actual Hellwin amp and are for tonal shaping and balancing.

If you are experiencing latency, try lowering your buffer settings in your DAW if using as a plugin, or in your preferences if using the standalone application. This is dependent on your computer and audio interface.

You can also download all kinds of other amp models that users have made at ToneHunt.org

Red Rum limited run

So, i just bought myself a 2011 Red Rum Custom model for 900$, honestly a steal as it also has an aftermounted Sustainiac. I was thinking i know these were of a limited run but i couldn't find any exact numbers to how many? Some claimed there was 150 (50 Custom s) and 100 Customs. although i never found any proof this was true or false. I thought this might be the place to ask incase anyone has any insight on this

Syn’s All Etudes Avaible İn Pdf !

Hi Guys, İm 18 year old and İm from Turkey. So i watch every lesson and i try to work on lessons but While i’m working on the guitar, I don’t want any technological device in my around. And then i do the syn’s all etudes in pdf format. So i know this is very amateur stuff because i don’t have computer i do that by phone but i think this may be useful and helpful. So here is the link :
Syn’s All Etudes in Pdf
So save that in your google drive account and print them, then next go your forest inside wood home and practice that !

A Lesson About Art, Enjoyment, and Fulfillment from Kurt Vonnegut (author)

In 2006 a high school English teacher asked students to write a famous author and ask for advice. Kurt Vonnegut was the only one to respond - and his response is magnificent:
“Dear Xavier High School, and Ms. Lockwood, and Messrs Perin, McFeely, Batten, Maurer and Congiusta:
I thank you for your friendly letters. You sure know how to cheer up a really old geezer (84) in his sunset years. I don’t make public appearances any more because I now resemble nothing so much as an iguana.
What I had to say to you, moreover, would not take long, to wit: Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what’s inside you, to make your soul grow.
Seriously! I mean starting right now, do art and do it for the rest of your lives. Draw a funny or nice picture of Ms. Lockwood, and give it to her. Dance home after school, and sing in the shower and on and on. Make a face in your mashed potatoes. Pretend you’re Count Dracula.
Here’s an assignment for tonight, and I hope Ms. Lockwood will flunk you if you don’t do it: Write a six line poem, about anything, but rhymed. No fair tennis without a net. Make it as good as you possibly can. But don’t tell anybody what you’re doing. Don’t show it or recite it to anybody, not even your girlfriend or parents or whatever, or Ms. Lockwood. OK?
Tear it up into teeny-weeny pieces, and discard them into widely separated trash receptacals. You will find that you have already been gloriously rewarded for your poem. You have experienced becoming, learned a lot more about what’s inside you, and you have made your soul grow.

God bless you all!"
Kurt Vonnegut

The lesson? Create the art for yourself first. Experience the joy of creating something from nothing, for the pure joy of it.

Have a great day, peeps!

  • Question
LIBAD Guitar...

Hey all,

Kind of a niche question, but does anyone know if/when this guitar will release? I saw Avenged live at MSG and I can't stop thinking about this guitar, but I also couldn't find anything online about it. I know it's a shot in the dark but I'm wondering if anyone knows about this guitar lol.



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Does It Seem Like Social Media Is Dying To You?

I was honestly just thinking. Do you feel like social media isn't as engaging as it use to be? I took a break from it for a long time, but I ended up back in it as it seems to be the only way these days to truly market yourself. However, I feel like it's all smoke and mirrors when it comes to truly getting a platform going. For example, you have guitarists on Instagram with over a half a million followers but they play shows to like, 50-100 people. There's like 60 comments on their posts.
When I first got on Instagram, it was thriving. And not just for me, but for everyone else, too. I hardly see my friends getting any engagement on their posts. It's not just IG either. Facebook and Twitter seem to be flatlining.
I also wonder if the watered down sponsored content, forced influencer content and endless ads could have been a contribution to it.

A while ago, @Lindsey made a post about "where do you see music going in the future?" And it made me think about this: do you think streaming will be the new social media? Maybe that's why engagement on here has been down over the last two years. Maybe the consumer norm is starting to switch from a text based form of communication to streaming. I think @Mike Creuzer mentioned this in the webinar.

Anyway, it just got me interested in everyone's ideas. I'd love to hear @Jamie London 's thoughts on this for sure!!

Do you think streaming is on the way of replacing social media as we know it?

SynTV was a fantastic idea, that's for sure!

Synner App problems

Hi I am having two issues with the Synner App right now:

1. On my tablet, when I open the app I have the option to Login or Register, if I click login I will always get an "404 this page cannot be found."

Register seems to work fine, but I cannot login as if the link isnt available anymore.

2. I cannot download the app on my phose as the Play Store says: This app isn't available for your device because it was made for an older version of Android.

I dont mind not having the app on my phone but Id love to login on my tablet so I can learn outside of my computer room.

Thank you!!
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