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    We're updating the community and moving all social content from the community to the Discord. All lessons related conversations will still take place here though! Join the Discord below and view the full announcement for more details


  • Solved
Lead Guitar

I’ve been trying to practice my lead guitar skills so I go on a backing track to do that and… I have no idea what to do. I’m even questioning what lead guitar is. I look up on the internet for help and I couldn’t find my answer but maybe I did, I have no idea. Is lead guitar just soloing over the rhythm because that is what all the sources on the internet were saying. What is lead guitar?

  • Question
Anxiety while… choosing music?

So this has been something on my mind for a long time. Lately I haven’t been able to truly expand my listening habits. I’m worried I’m “listening to the wrong thing” to get to be the best guitarist/musician I can be, so I default to albums I know and love but never find new music. It has led to me being undereducated even if I have a music degree. Has anyone had this? How did you get out of it?

  • Question
Temporary alternatives while videos are down?

Hi All,

Hope all's well! I was wondering if the community is using any alternative resources while the videos for the School are being sorted out.

To follow the roadmap of the lessons would you recommend I just search each respective class on Google or YouTube (eg. Major Scale)?

Just looking to follow some structure until the videos come back up.



  • Question
Guitar CAGED question

I was practicing the CAGED chord shapes again last night and focus trying to repeat them but starting with different shapes to get a better grasp.
It was fine when I started with open C but when I started with the F chord ( E shape barred ) and moved to the D then tried the C again, it didn't work.
My guitar wasn't tuned well and didn't spend more time on it. Later I'll try it again but was wondering if I'm doing something wrong.
I thought about going in reverse, I think it was EDGAC, do I do that?

Any tips or things too add is also welcome for sure.

Thanks in advance!

  • Question
theory behind syn's solos

hello everyone i ve been playing live gigs as solo guitarist for a not really long while as a self taught, i can apply the most main guitar theory basics-inters to my improv or written solos live but i dont really have a great knowladge of the really advanced guitar theory material and i want to apply fast shred licks like syn's iconic licks. i dont have any problem with the speed i can practice for 2-3 days max and play his solos as long as i have tabs but i want to apply these mostly to my improv solos and i cant figure out the theory behind his overall solos or licks with my analysis alone like what scales he use and what type of chord progressions behind it makes them sound perfect. Can anyone with a good grasp on these matters help me out with the example of Scream solo ?

  • Question
Rebuilding old skills?

So I've played guitar for a little over a year and a half but for the past month I've been really sick and haven't been able to do anything. As I've been recovering I've just gotten to the point of being able to pick up my guitar again and I noticed I'm having a hardtime playing things I used to be able to play perfectly and I found that if I stick with the same riff for a bit then switch to one I used to be able to play, I can play it like I never took a break from guitar. What are some ways you guys practice after taking a break for a while?
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hail to the king solo

Hey schooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I was wondering if u guys have any tips on how to practice the 1st sweeping part of h.t.t.k?
also im wondering how and why just why syn is so fucking good at guitar and why such a beauty like the H.T.T.K solo is so hard to play:p:p:p.(to me at least)
It sucks cause im studying for A/L and can't practice as much :((((
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  • Question
Playing guitar recently

I've been playing guitar for a while, and I've only started with power chords back in March of this year. I've been loving playing along with songs that I like for the past 2 weeks (I've mostly focused on practicing certain techniques without playing, so I'm implementing more playing time now). I've been playing Dammit by blink-182 and I've slowed it down in my DAW to about 40BPM. For some reason, I choke when it comes to palm muting after the intro to the first verse, and I seem to have an issue where there's a noticeable gap in between shifting up from the C power chord to the G power chord, unlike the record. What can I do to make that shift sound more smooth? Should I slow the song down even more than that? What could I be doing better?
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  • Question
Is this like playing in Keys with CAGED?

Since the videos have been down I've been practicing mostly the first CAGED lessons more and again, it's going good ( maybe could be better ), I was wondering about playing in different Keys.

If I for example take the chords E Major, A Major, D Major in open position and play those shapes barred from the 3rd fret in E standard, would that mean I'm playing in the key of G?
Is that a way of doing it or would I need to translate the chords to the proper shape.

Another question is, if I play the G Major CAGED shape chord and just slide it around, is that playing in the Key of G?

I remember something like to play in a Key I need to find the tonal center, so maybe that answered my questions some.
The tonal center would be like the third or fourth chord in the middle of the key and 7 chords excluding the octave/interval? ( maybe wrong )

Some stuff I was thinking about


  • Question
Not guitar related, this question is wackerman/studio question that is probably a long shot but still interesting nonetheless.

Just let me start off by saying how excited i am to get back into teaching and learning more guitar. I love this website you guys. fucking nailed it.
what got me back to it was honestly i started learning and teaching drums. A7x being my absolute favorite band of all time so obviously those were the first songs i wanted to learn and

Holy F@#$^* SHit i thought syn's solo progressions were insane but i never noticed how complex the drums really are in a lot of Wackermans work. specifically on paradigm and the entire stage albumn really.

BUt anyway learned them all on guitar so fuck it drums should be cake compared to syn. *the cake is a lie*

However...i did learn the song...... yet ive only been playing drums for 2 months now...using an invisible drum kit... yes im serious my drum kit is invisible

well its a beta app in virtual reality to be more specific...but no seriously invisible :oops:

well anyway i chart drums tracks for the vr app,, which is similar to guitarhero, except the kit is real, and its FUCKING invisible.
so anyway my question was if at all possible to whom it may concern i wanted to ask for permission to use one of the tracks for a tutorial on how to build charts and kits for the app. with hopes to try and get more and more people into charting their own drums instead of flooding my inbox with song request as i am 1 of 3 charters atm trying to revive and entire guitar hero and rockband community into REAL invisible drums.

it wont be played all the way through and maybe only 30 or 40 seconds of the audio will be heard. but anyway thought id try my luck.
I currently have what im almost 99.9% sure is the most accurate chart for the stages drum track that doesn't exist anywhere else except wackermans brain. and my chart folder.
i made it an obsession to get the drums perfectly accurate..

  • Question
why am i missing lessons clips at and listed as a new student? My account is as old as the site is,

so i am actually not a new account. in fact i've had this account since "syngatesguitarschool" first started.
i recently got back on and wanted to get back into teaching. Looking through, im loving all of the cool newshit thats here now. but all my old content is gone??

long ago i had a response to another members question about sweep picking under one of papagates lessons. Me and this other member basically sweep the exact opposite than the lesson teaches which i was explaining is also a correct way to sweep pick, i tagged a video clip demonstrating this
and syn had a comment about my clip but its gone.

all of my other comments and responses are shown but not that one? . it was a great moment i only had record of the website.

  • Solved
How to play with a drummer

I’ve been recently trying to play with drum tracks and every time it comes out pretty crappy. I’ve asked a few musicians I know and the answer was to play with a metronome and tap my feet when I play. That helped staying on time (of course) but my riffs don’t really work well with the drummer even playing on time. Can I get some ideas or help on how to do this? Thanks.

  • Question
Coming here from JustinGuitar

Hi, I'm new here. My name is Antto, and I started playing guitar around February of 2021. I was nearly finished with JustinGuitar's beginner course grade 3 (last one), but he's still in the middle of uploading videos for the modules which I don't see being done until around the beginning of next year. However, the more I listen to music that I like, the harder it gets to wait!

I believe I'm proficient enough to progress to the 'intermediate level' of guitar playing, but would I be ready to start the Synner course once it gets back up? I'm sure it's a different learning flow than I'm used to, but is there anyone else in my shoes? Any advice? Thanks in advance!

  • Question
Let's Start Our Own Lessons! 💪🏻

Hey kids! A long time ago this school use to be hopping with tutorials and lessons taught from our very own students. The lessons haven't been working for well over 2 weeks, and it's starting to cause some agitation among the students. What I wanna do, is have this section for us to drop our own lessons here. That way, we all can still continue to learn something from each other. So if you have taught something on your youtube channel, or a prior video that you've uploaded, or you wanna drop a fun new lesson below go ahead and go for it!

I'll be uploading my own lesson very soon! Let's keep the learning going :)

Drop your lesson videos or links down in the comments below! They can be on covers, solos, theory, gear, playing live, techniques, anything!

@Hector Trejo @Christian Schulze and @Chris Johnston you guys are notorious teachers. Do you have anything you can drop below?


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