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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard

Economy Picking – The 3-1-3 Pattern – Lesson 78 inspired lick

This lick that I developed employs multiple 3-1-3 patterns. I'm not sure how 'musical' it is theory-wise, but I obviously didn't play a pentatonic-based lick, as he stated in the lesson video that the 3-1-3 pattern can be played in non-pentatonic variants.
Hey man, there are many of us here simply using our phone to record our videos and progress. I sincerely don’t think anyone was saying anything about that. But I have to agree with kat a bit. If you slowed it down just a bit, I think it would be much easier for everyone to see what’s going on and help in anyway we can. This community is all about building each other up and helping to improve. 🙂
I'm not sure if I'd mess it up if I slowed it down. I guess it depends on how much I slow it down (A relaxed tremolo pick, for example).

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