Disclaimer: literally 8 minutes of me screwing around, so keep scrolling if you’re not prepared for the randomness lol.
Seriously though, I really enjoyed noodling yesterday and figured I’d just hit record and play and go at it again. If any of my other beginners aren’t doing this I highly recommend it. Yes, this is only my second time doing so, but just recording myself and playing twice I’m noticing a certain feel and sound I keep going back to when I’m just playing and not thinking too hard about it, and I’m realizing this could be a great way to find MY sound ! ❤️
There’s also a moment in here where you can actually see my facial expressions change and I get a more serious look because I played a couple power cords and had an idea, and it was like I could hear what I wanted in my head, but had to try and figure out how to get it out.