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Golden Goddess Guitar Leaderboard


Practicing C Maj Scale over Backing Track
Thought you guys would like to see part of my hard work from this week! I figured out a progression while working with @[5:@Jak Angelescu] to understand the Circle of 5ths and she sent me a nice YouTube video to practice playing with. Thank you for your help as always! I truly wouldn’t understand without you and Bill. Lesson 37 is amazing, but I just needed a little extra help and time. And thank you to @[477:@Ids Schiere] and the Synners for helping me with intervals and degrees a while ago too!
Lesson 103 alternate picking, Syn tp by apply a simple pentatonic run in the 7th fret Em pentatonic position, alternate picking and a little bit of string skipping at the end of the riffs, i practice it slowly in order to have it cleaned, and maintain alternate picking before gradual change of speed. Sorry for the audio quality i just recorded it on mobile phone because it is the only available. Thank you for this opportunity and cheers to all people in this community.
I attempted this many moons ago, got frustrated and just quit. However, @[15432:@RoaringRowanThunderBender] has inspired me with her hard work, growth, and dedication to this...so I figured I’d give it another go. This is as far as I’ve gotten.... so I gotta learn the rest still 😬 And yes...I almost fell in the beginning, but it made for a great thumbnail so I kept it 🤣 As always, any tips are greatly appreciated!

wake up

Hello everyone,Papa Gates lessons of scale mods helped me a lot, with the help of them I wrote a solo for our song !! and even shot a video))) thanks for the school !!!

Scale mods

Hello everyone, Papa Gat s lessons of scale mods helped me a lot, with the help of them I wrote a solo for our song !! and even shot a video))) thanks for the school !!!
- Instagram: simoneichingerx - Gear: - ESP Horizon NT-II (SD Invaders) - Mesa Boogie Mark V 25 - Suhr Reactive Load IR
Felt like some practice on the old Spanish guitar. I wanted to learn this song since I started learning guitar but always postponed because it's freaking fast for me. Paco de Lucía was a true virtuous, he could shred on Spanish guitar.
Here’s my entry! I’m super nervous as I don’t think I’ll compare to anyone here and I’m a beginner...but I wanted to show I’m learning and promised @[5:@Jak Angelescu] I would. So I’m just here trying! Please be a little nice. So, I’ve been having trouble with the Circle of 5ths, which is Lesson 37 here respectively. I just decided to come up with a cool little jam for the riff contest using my Trio Band Creator Pedal. Syn’s Tips said to try to memorize it. So I worked hard all week to memorize for the Key of C at least. I googled the pattern for a pop rockish riff after Jak helped me with the system for over an hour. It gave me 1st, 6th, 4th, and 5th so the chords I’m using are C, Am, F, and G and are the ones I input into my pedal (you can see me do this at the very beginning of the video). Then I used the C Major scale to just try to jam along because I was in the Key of C. Though the Am scale works too because it’s the relative minor (6th degree) of C! Thanks guys! ❤️


This is me noodling with a Sparkly effect on my guitar - I've been experimenting with playing some soulful outside stuff and having the time sort of warped/Rubato. Tried to make my Guitar sound less like a Guitar too, enjoy!
Syn tip from lesson 29 "changing pentatonic scales - two chords". When i'm practicing improvising or composing solos, lead parts in my demos I always follow chord progression and change scales without changing position. In this solo i use some arpeggios, i'm shifting different scales over particular chord, but i always keep that tip in my mind. Thanks Syn!

Syn's Tip Riffs

Lesson 78 : economy picking Tip : the 313 Pattern Salut Syn ! Hi ! Here is my participation to your contest. Hope you'll enjoy it :)
Syn tip riffs pedal contest entry
Lesson 103 alternate picking, I apply a simple pentatonic run in the 7th fret Em pentatonic position, alternate picking and a little bit of string skipping at the end of the riffs, i practice it slowly in order to have it cleaned, and maintain alternate picking before gradual change of speed. Sorry for the audio quality i just recorded it on mobile phone because it is the only available. Thank you for this opportunity and cheers to all people in this community.
This is my submission for the Synyster Gates Pedal Contest! I never really got into sweeps but I decided to take this opportunity to learn some two-string sw...
Back in early March (Before COVID19 hit) our House Band at School of Rock Cincinnati had the opportunity to play with Black Sabbath drummer, Vinny Appice (Al...
Chase Stone, Austin Stone, Shane Stone playing Moth Into Flame (Metallica Cover)
I did a guitar cover of The Stage by Avenged Sevenfold on my new Schecter Synyster Gates Custom S. Hope you enjoy.
Getting a little dreamy and spacey with some Mew tonight

SGS pedal contest(Jazz)

I wrote this short little jazz bit for the contest. Syn's tip I use comes from lesson 106 "For example, each time you come across the "V" chord when you're playing to the backing track, play a different concept we've discussed over it each time. Let's say you play a Super Locrian over it the first time, next time play a C minor arpeggio over it(since we are in "E"). The next time play your Tritone Substitution but arpeggiate it meaning that you would play an F7 arpeggio. Next play a C minor9 arp and so on and so forth." I went a little lenient on it and just took it as use a different idea each time you come across the V chord where I mixed some of Syn's suggestions with my own. The 2 V chords in the chord progression are F#7 and E7. Over F#7 I used F# mixolydian, a john mayer lick, super locrian and a tritone substitution(C#7 arpeggio) Over E7 I used Double harmonic major scale, phrygian dominant scale, dominant diminished and a gypsy jazz lick I like to use.
Solo "The Stage"
Sweep picking solo from the stage 👌
Here's a useful tip for getting your Pentatonic Scale all over the neck with the least effort!
I used some of the Papa Gates lesson, like: at the beginning arpeggios with major and minor chords and power chords for the prinicipal riff. This sounds like Blink-182 but i tried my best, my fingers hurt a little bit but i'm fine. This riff i think it's a little catchy. I used the Syn's tip of the lessons 16 that he said to "embellishment" the chords by playing different notes when you are strumming, so i used that in the intro and some types of rythm in the principal riff with the power chords, and the arpeggio to create the riff of the song. Also i used the Syn's tip of the lesson 17, that it's basically the ear training, to transcribe the songs that you want, like i heard some melody in my head and i want to "transcribing" in the guitar with the chords, so used that tips.

2 String Sweeps

Riff for Papa Gates Riff contest (Hey look at ME Its mY First VidEo!!!1) I've been stuck on the first lesson of sweeping for a looongg while... so figured I'd make a quick riff. forgive my poor editing skills..

SAM 3997

The timing is off, just came up with it and had to document it. Thought it sounded cool and wanted to share. What do you guys think? I already changed it up a little after recording, i was able to work it into one position. Can I still use this for my Syn's tip's Riff's Challenge? If i can relate it to the CAGED somehow and after re-recording it? My guitar is tuned down a full step, D standard and I was using my GarageBand amplifier. Thanks for watching!