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i want to learn this scale well, this is going to help me a lot. wonder if I can save it or bookmark got stuck on some parts and wrong notes, np
Too many freaking notes towards the end but ooh well 😅
sweep picking IV

sweep picking IV

my sweep picking has come across massively lately especially thanks to bill hudson!
Improv over the backingtrack of lesson 100
R.I.P the man who inspired me to play guitar and never quit. You were my very first source of inspiration and remain one of my main influences 14 years later.

lesson 100 improv

Reasonably proud of myself today, this is genuinely an improv because it's really my first take, hesitating sometimes because wasn't sure which scale I was in, and in some parts spitting too many notes for the same reason
Improv over the backingtrack of lesson 56
Not A sprint but a Marathon....I think Im getting there @[4668:@Alicia Willis] and @[77:@Hector Trejo]
Clairvoyant disease solo

Clairvoyant disease solo

Almost got this solo down to a somewhat decent standard im aware that he uses a wah pedal on it but i dont have one unrelated this is my favorite song from wtf i love everything about it😉
Improv over the backingtrack in lesson 81


My cover of shallow

improv etude day 1

So my current goal is to really know the major scale(and the modes consecuently). To do that I´m going to learn every single arpeggio within the scale(as PG teach on lessons 50 and 51) and then I´m going to improvise over a backing track and every single time that the chord changes I will try to play one of the notes that build up that chord. The baking track that I chose is in G major and I will improvise over it on every video of this etudes to make easier to compare any kind of improvement. I started whith just one position of the scale and I will add one more position on every video. One last thing I want mention: I am constantly looking at the screen of the laptop because I did´t memoriced the chord of the backing track yet XD

Feast of Friends

Improv over the backingtrack in lesson 33

Improv #10

Over DCGF Took everything out my room and made it a stage/chill spot. I should probably buy some furniture I didn't want to tune my guitar. It's tuned Drop C This was the second take, I just recorded three consecutively and then spaced a bit. Not sure witch was better, I'll listen tomorrow or some other time. Hope you like it.
New guitar day as well wanted to do a video with my 2018 Gibson Les Paul Blueberry burst plays and sounds amazing and its my first one got it cheap locally.
Just a tribute to EVH
Hi everyone! It has been a while since I don´t do anything here on the school but I´m happy to say that I can finaly focus my whole life in to music so I will be more active around here.

improv #9 in C

I saw MAB's video last night and tried it
Improv over the backingtrack of the alternate picking II etude

lesson 63 improv #6

My last improv for the challenge. I got a bit lost and there's some wrong notes, but I like some parts of the improv. Something good is that every day I need less previous practice to come up with some ideas I can develop (always from my beginner's skills) :)