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To End The Rapture Guitar Cover (Solo + Improvisación) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/co_sevilla/ Gear Guitar Rig 5 Behringer UMC 202HD Schecter Synyst...
First upload would love some feedback besides practice more lol i think it was like my 3rd time playing it
Blues/Funk Improvisation
Just noodling :)
Prince - Purple Rain Solo (Improvisation)
This track is still one of my favorites to solo over :)
This is a first taker again and a real challenge since the backingtrack is just Dm throughout.

Day 6 Improv

It's day 6? I did like 50 million takes, I wanted to try and piece together something nice. I need to learn to write this stuff down. I had lot's of ideas and they kept changing/evolving, forgot a lot of bends and stuff I had. I didn't pay attention to my picking hand, during this. I spent like 2 hours total on the lesson itself and working on this improve. Was feeling a bit under pressure or something. Still a good day for music nonetheless.
A bit of light practice with a fun “sweetcore” solo 😁

IMG 1664

I know the names of the chords now. Thanks to Jak I was able to figure the main ones out. Tomorrow I'm going to write some more of the notes down. Maybe even try and make a more guitar driven version. I think it's nice song, haven't listened to the words much just the melodies. Tomorrow I'll do it again so I practice naming stuff and make tabs or something. It's sloppy, my strap was all the way down. Almost forgot the chords are: C-G#-A-E. There's maybe another one or more
Made myself time to record a little jam. Sorry for the over editing and moving around like crazy, I just have way too much fun with this song! \m/ Wanted to do a full cover of this but things got in the way and the solo is kind of annoying to learn. With a bit of luck my next upload might be my finished original!

improve day 5

Did like 5 or 6 improvisations and record the last 3. It kept getting worse so I thought to just move on. I chose this last recording cause I thought it was a bit more showing of me trying to apply what I just learned. Haven't heard it yet , but there were some out of key notes or misplaced. I tried to redo it during my playing, but was a bit slow. Had way cooler ideas before I spent like an hour or one and a half on the C major scale lesson plus some time on the lesson 22. It was good because I was able to use both scales/patterns on the jam track.
A little bit more shredding than usual. Also, I changed my strings yesterday and it kept going out of tune very badly for most of the takes so I kept redoing until it somewhat stayed in tune enough #cheatercompleter
Copying Django's recording of I'll See You In My Dreams.
Copying Django's recording of I'll See You In My Dreams.
Practice makes perfect and this is definitely not perfect, so practice it is :P Side note: year of the cat is one of my favorite songs of all time and if you haven’t heard it before, definitely check it out! :)
Chords move fast in these backingtrack so i did something I don't like to do usually and that's just mindlessly shred for a bit.
Didn't realize it ended so fast, pretty weak ending. I was gong to redo it, but it's cool, tomorrow is another day. Sure is fun having something to stick to. Had a lot of cool things while practicing/warming up before recording this. Didn't record it though :'( Oh ya, I tried to add some other techniques into the solo like palm mutes.
As is probably pretty clear I lost track of where the hell I was in the second half. Also, every chord lasts 1 bar longer than Instinctly expect it to be so it's a bit of a pain to improvise over but well that's what practice is for. Now it's off to the gym to throw some weights at people out of frustration 🤪
I wanted to share this with you because I‘ve incorporated a lot of Synyster-esque economy picking ideas into this! :)
A lot of furious economy picking in this one! :) The first pattern is a great pickslanting and string skipping exercise too.
New day and a bigger challenge - This was in no way a one take wonder! I just kept over judging what I was doing in previous takes and trying again. I tried to stop myself from mindless noodling in the later half by using a Bubble trem effect on my guitar, enjoy!
A short clip of a longer (yet error filled video) of myself trying to learn one of my favorite songs of all time by ear. This is something I’m trying to get better at. It’s a tad messy but I’ll post a full video once I have it down. This is just a video of the learning process :) it’s exciting and I just wanted to share
Did this right after I got home and may have had to eat first but ooh well...