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Practicing Pertetual Burn by Jason Becker as my lockdown challenge. What a monster. 🎸🎸
This is my new challenge with all the free time! Jason Becker is insane.

Texas Flood- analysis

Sorry for the rambling/me practicing the beginning at the end but here's the analysis for Texas flood. Also, @[42619:@Aileé Guerra Aréizaga] asked me for specific type of songs that tie in with the collab for the poll so it will be three of those and stairway to heaven in the next poll but I'll have to do some research first
Tuned to D# standard to match what you may call my “vocals”.
Been practicing a new technique which goes down-down-down-up-down. Got that one from Matt Heafy from one of his streams. But I get a lot of unwanted string noise. Maybe @[5:@Jak Angelescu] or @[1427:@Ed Seith] know what's going on?? I'm normally really cautious about my muting but something isn't right!
Ben Newton on Instagram: “Hybridy picky slidey thing 🎸"
Disappeared for a while. Been busy with life and so on, so good to be back! Just having a look around on the new website layout. Hope to get used to it!
@[4668:@Alicia Willis] asked me to play tuesdays gone so here it is! I hope i did it justice 😅

Quarantine noodle

My brain is kinda fried right now so I figured I'd share what I play when I don't feel inspired that much. It's basically just noodling without any real idea in mind.
Was just feeling like recording my progress this evening. I never listened to me playing this song because I always have ear buds in to hear the song while playing. Haven't learned the repetitions on the outro and messed up the pre solo riff. Really gotta work on that one. Surprised I managed to play the solo with the Wah. Lol
Jak wants me to play standing for learn. She learned how to do it best by watching others🤘🏽 So this one is for you @[5:@Jak Angelescu]
Hey! This is my entry for McRocklin Solo Competition. Enjoy!
Carlos Mauricio Owens
🇪🇦No dejes de aprovechar el tiempo de cuarentena para volver a estudiar tus solos favoritos! Hay mucho que puedes re-descubrir! El estilo particular de Marty Friedman está muy basado en utilizar...
SHHHH don't tell Jak I only recorded part of the song!!

Purple Rain - analysis

Jak asked me to speak a bit louder, I hope I succeeded in doing so. You can also still vote for the one I'm doing this week here https://syngates.com/threads/harmony-songwriting-poll-v.3999/

Practicing Lesson 29-31

  • Jak Angelescu
  • Apr 8, 2020
I know I am not playing standing up. Unfortunately I am still recovering from my head incident and I can only play standing up for so long. However these les...
Why is that intro so hard to nail?? A lot of fun to play though!
Evanescence The Weight of the World
Not exactly like the original, didnt play the acoustic part and changed the lick at the end, I think it turned out really well, the end of the lick is pretty much the same what Terry plays anyway xD Few things is theres a part where I play some octaves and doing that standing up I had to use my index and pinky instead of the index and ring fingers :o The little "solo" at the end while I was trying it sitting was so easy and standing up I had to bend myself and adjust the guitar a lot so I could reach the frets I wanted xD But anyway enjoyed a lot! Sorry about the quality its supposed to be 1080p but I think my phone is going crazy xD
Quarantine Jamz Nr.5 A fun little experiment.
Gearing up for that shredd collab learned Audio and some video editing. Hope you enjoy this little jam. Used Audacity and Olive. Both free software. There are also some really cool tutorials for boty of them online. Let me know If you want me to share them!
#Riffchallenge Original
I was nominated by a friend Adam Lutz. Hoping to see my buddy Nick Ulmer post, who also was a former band member with me. I nominated some fellow Synyster Gates Master Class winners, check them out! Adam Dominguez, @jamespaullagraff, and @swain033. Krys Escobar was another, but he already had one done.
As a follow up to my asking for advice on string noise, I made an exercise to help with string muting using basic sweep picking. I can kill 2 birds with 1 st...
Quarantine Jamz Nr.4! This Charming man
$ynners...I finally did it. 100% speed. Im so happy this is one of my all time favourite songs. I love the unending arpeggios. Johnny Marr is one of the Greatests!