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Here's my cover of a Masterpiece from an awesome band!!!
@[477:@Ids Schiere] challenged me to play The Art of Shredding by Pantera. My timing is still awefull but this was a lot of fun to learn. Funny enough, the fast part is actually easier for me to pick up than the rhythmic intro.

The Thrill Is Gone

I did this a while ago and I figured I could post this to track my progress when I take the PG's blues course

The Thrill Is Gone

I did this a while ago and figured I could use it as reference for my improvent doing Papa's blues course
NIGHTMARE Guitar Solo (Collab)
This solo took me a looonngggg ass time to learn properly since it was the first with these techniques. All feedback is appreciated =) Both of us played them separately and just switched on camera part by part.

Alternate Picking X/ CAGED Jam

  • Jak Angelescu
  • Nov 26, 2019
I had learn the alternate picking etude up to full speed and then I realized when I went to go relearn it again I didn't learn it right. So this is me workin...

Alternate Picking X/ CAGED Jam

  • Jak Angelescu
  • Nov 26, 2019
I had learn the alternate picking etude up to full speed and then I realized when I went to go relearn it again I didn't learn it right. So this is me workin...
Riff Challenge - Paul Gilbert "Vibrato"
Okay, today’s metalminute is also a part of the #synystergatesschool riff challenge. I was challenged by @idssdi to step outside my straight rock box and learn something with GROOVE. He assigned me “Vibrato” by the inimitable @paulgilbert_official. The notes are simple. The groove, not so much. Star
Originally posted this on YouTube during a time I was listening to a lot of The Rev, thus the dedication at the end.
I was challenged to learn how to play this song and I have to say that melody is awesome and Jeff Beck is soooo Tasty!
Forgive the cheesy video editing. I was excited about purchasing a legit copy of Sony Vegas Movie Studio. I was also excited about purchasing that T-shirt from Hot Topic... erm excuse me, I mean purchasing that T-shirt from I can't remember where, the same day I filmed this.
Legato cheating on the runs. Next step is working up the picking and getting a whammy bar.
This album came out the year I joined the Marines and a lot of the guys in the platoon really vibed with this track. It was a great album front to back, it inspired me to practice more, and inspired me to google what a Brompton Cocktail was.
I imagine the flamethrower guitar player from Mad Max: Fury Road has this in his repertoire for sure.
Megadeth Bonus Round!
Decided to record myself and post it in here! The fast parts are still kinda tricky for me.

Alternate Picking I

These sort of two way pick slanting licks are the absolute bane of my existence, but its starting to come together! This was right about 115 BPM!!
I forgot how to play both solos as I was recording(I know right) so I improvised and I thought it came out pretty sweet. Such a fun song to play, and the main riff is actually way harder than I thought haha
Finally I put some structure into what I make unlike before where I just compiled some riffs and solos and made them a song. With this one, my main goal was to get used to writing something divided into verse,chorus etc AND getting feedback on how it is.
First Mistake, Last Mistake, Next Mistake, No More Mistakes! Until that one bend...