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While being interviewed, Marty Friedman once said he doesn't sweep. Well his floor must be dirty because he wrote all these solos.
I was challenged to learn how to play this song by @[12831:@Adin Shepherd]. Since the first bit is just guitar and Corey Taylor I figured I could use it as singing practice as well. Small Disclaimer: I have been having a slightly sore throat the whole day and I'm not Corey Taylor😅
Hey guys! here's a Nightmare cover i just posted, i hope you guys like it. All feedback will be appreciated and please check out my YouTube channel if ypu liked my little cover https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSlVJFA1_fwRJSqqbO9rETQ

Arpeggios For Our Original

  • Jak Angelescu
  • Nov 25, 2019
So proud of how easy they've become! I posted this in the original section but I wanted to post it here to just in case if anybody could see it more and offer me any other tips! The sweep lessons have helped so much!
Adam Shea Music - A little improve on the ole telecaster!
A little improve with the telecaster over some baby making music this morning!!
I was challenged by Ids to learn this riff. I struggled getting my alt picking close to the speed of the original so opted to do it all downpicked. I chose to play 2 reps each of the opening riff and the verse riff. Still needs some work, fun riff to play though.
SynGates.com "Riff Challenge" - learned the opening bits of Trivium's "The Heart from your Hate" with about 30 minutes effort.
I was challenged by @[11619:@Ekrem Taha Ünlü] to learn how to play this riff. I play the same chord twice once after the distortion kicks in(I should have played it once) but that may be because my mental state at the moment is it's tired I'm late
I suck hard at playing to a track as you might notice. Oh well, the riff is really fun though.
I was challenged by @[25:@Ezequiel Romanko] to learn the verse riff of Holy Wars. I always need a good place to start and to end so I learned the first bit too and that Marty Friedman solo too

The Stage

I remember, 3 years ago, when this song was released, I could only play the slow solo. After 3 years and weeks of practicing, I finally managed to play the whole song!

Late Night Jam

Its night. Its saturday. :)
Europe - The Final Countdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  #Europe #rock #classicrock #hardrock
Nakul (@justanotherandomguy) on Instagram: Europe - The Final Countdown
Just messing around. Have been off my practice game for a while due to crazy work schedule lol!
thats how much far i've come on sixteenths at 80% speed, over the next week i will upload if there's any progress on that but the sextuplets on sixteenths are too hard for me right now :C
This is my progress at 100% on the Eigths notes and the eights notes triplets parts, but i still struggle with 100% speed with the sixteenths notes :(
I was challenged to play this riff by @[477:@Ids Schiere] , i have some fails haha because of that eigth before the D chord fucks my tempo haha plus i didn't hear much the song before haha