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I'm singing again....
In this improvisation I tried to aply the first and second major scale positions that PG teach in lesson 52 and 53, I also tried to aply the arpeggios that i learner in lesson 50 and 51
this time I increased the speed 5%
Decided to work really hard on the intro of Nightmare, the purpose of this is to share with everyone how hard I’ve been working and also to gauge my progress and look back on it once I’m a much better guitarist. I just recently started to work really hard on solos/mini-solos so I’m pretty new to pl
A ran out of ideas occasionally so that explains the moments where I really struggle I guess😅
this is my cover of nightmare 🙂
After learning some easy songs i wanted to challenge myself again and here are the results - Room 409 with all parts including solo.
Since my account is now verified (thank you) I’m going to try posting here, this is day 5 progress on the intro from The Stage at 100 BPM
second day practicing altertaye picking
A portion of my cover of M.I.A. by A7X, focusing on the solo.
One more day of working 🙂
I learned this this morning while I was waiting for my cake to get ready so it isn't really perfect and especially in the second verse there are mistakes all over the place.
A little thing i came up with to help with memorizing the notes that appear on the fretboard until the 12th fret.
Out Of Control Guitar Playthrough
Playing Out Of Control Guitar Playthrough
This one is specifically dedicated to Jak. For her continuous support. She is the Syn to my Zacky. Without her, I seriously would not have continued to work as diligently or as quickly as I have. I can't wait to look back at this when I can play it fully.
I increased the speed 5% from the latest tapping video
Had to show off my progress on this song. I really took Jak and Papa Gates's palm muting advice to heart. It was one of the first videos I ever uploaded here.
I wrote this little solo a little while ago to practice the A minor Pentatonic scale as introduced in lesson 20
This is a video of mi first day practiciong syn etude tapping Vii
So I'm working on Nuages at the moment and Django's solo part start with a melody he plays using Harp harmonics. I have never used Harp harmonics before so I figured I could try to get some practice in before I go to bed. Any tips are greatly appreciated!

Jak Angelescu's riff from May 10, 2019 at 10:08 pm

  • Jak Angelescu
  • May 10, 2019
Learning this from my mom. Holly and I are going to do it together and I can't wait. It's a fairly simple song with a standard pop progression. If you are a beginner you already know the chords 🙂