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This was my 1st attemp
I did all the audio and video for this one tell me what you all think.
Hey guys, this is my first guitar riff that I created so tell me what y’all think. 🙂 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7O7fylp_j44
i did a cover of the pokemon theme song, check it out! 😀
All of my life's practice has led me to play this song.
Some shit i have been working on lately..
Switching off the distortion for the first half and Playing whatever comes to mind.
fun time making video haha
Just finished lesson 21 and decided to take a break from learning and have some fun. So much fun using the pentatonic scale! Constructive criticism is appreciated, all. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WiyROv7bmwY
This took me a long time. 9 months, in fact. Thanks goes out to Syn and Brian Haner Sr's lessons that made this so much easier in the last month! Of course, it's not the best it could be. But I sure as hell am pretty damn proud of my work!
A video I posted after some asshole ripped one of my other videos just to be a dick. He hunted down my YouTube channel just to post some negative comment because I made him look like an asshole for talking shit about a band I love on a post.
This is my attempt for week 2. To be honest, I again just played what came to my mind instantly, which implies ( along with no explanation) some wrong notes may be there. But hey, sometimes wrong notes do the right thing. Oh, I modified a C major arpeggio with some notes from D major scale.
Something I randomly came up with. Inspired by Sweep Picking VI.
Me playing Sweep Picking VI. Made a couple mistakes, but who cares
the backing track is barely audible 🙁
It’s not perfect and it’s on an acoustic guitar, but I can’t afford an electric and I’m new to all this stuff so tell me what I need to work on, y’all! 😀 #038;feature=youtu.be" rel="nofollow" class="um-link" target="_blank">https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tPw91vgTGAM&
Opeth - Patterns in the Ivy 2 vocal/guitar cover. I love this band and this song. Speaks to me on so many levels. Hope y'all enjoy!
A cover of Take a look around played with my Synyster Gates Standard
The Solo for a Song of my Band played on the San Gates Custom S
Not completly correct but my take on crazy train https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6BlLmyR_Or4
Random licks https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1YRsU605DyI
Hi guys any Jimmy Page fans here? Here's my cover of the Since I've Been Loving You solo!
I wrote this song forever ago! This is the last you will see of Lillian for a while seeing as I am going to be in a few days the proud father of Raven a Schecter C-6 elite. I wrote this years ago after listening my freshman year to the city of evil album. I hope you all enjoy it! I know I enjoyed t