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I did this one some time ago for an online contest. I
Playing the 5 string sweep lesson from the school preview
at 80% speed, not perfect but I'm quiet happy with the progress I've made...any tips or feedback ?
The Bridge of a song I wrote and am recording myself (not the actual version) I Threw this together for everyone on here and I played the drums and am not much of a drummer. Hopefully you Enjoy it!
A little song Im making up while working on finger picking. Its hard to finger pick for me because I cut my thumb in half right down the middle on my picking hand this summer 🙁 Still trying hard though! Hence the sigh at the beginning. I hope you guys enjoy this! 🙂
Covers to my favorite solos off the Nightmare album. It wasn’t sounding good until I put the shirt on.
I have only played some of Rocksmith to get my bearings of how guitar playing goes. Don't have access to that game, but wish to be great on this website.
I got a little obnoxious...
I'm still learning, so it isn't great, but it'll get better.
Been working on my economy picking last couple of days. Advice always appreciated.
Not sure on this one I think it's a 6.99 out of 10 I played it too robotic or out of time I think. Everyone on the comment section is saying a look like m.shadows are they right?
A guitar solo from one of my favorite bands!
Ignore my fingers. the last riff i uploaded was on accident. that was not my video, i had the wrong link.
Its simple but i still like it. Please ignore my F*cked up fingers.
Beginning of heretic https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HuHf86-mJvs
So I'm working on the Sweep Pick Lesson (2), from this site. It ain't pretty yet. Got to start somewhere. LOL! My plan is to practice it every day for 30 days and post back in a month with the progress in a new update. Wish me luck, and thanks to everyone who check this out. Bye!
Been trying the first level in Syn's Etudes. I really like how you can use a countdown, very useful 🙂
Extremely new to guitar, definitely need some beginner tips to becoming a better player, have never taken lessons, only learned by watching others play,
My attempt to cover the solo of "Nothing else matters" on guitar.
I always loved the way Frusciante played the chords in the verses of this song so i wanted to share it with you guys. Basic song that i would recommend to anyone to learn! Not gonna lie i was struggling with that intro for a while and its still not perfect so if you have any tips for it let me know!
i learned this by ear, 7 months after i started playing guitar, i uploaded it later just in case i lose it
I can only do the easiest part of the bat country solo however its the tastiest! Maybe I should Have used more vibrato and had rhythm guitar over it. Most of the complaints on my youtube channel were that i didn't finish it XD hahaha. This part of the solo mad me fall in love with avenged sevenfold